Kia ora koutou katoa
Leadership and Curriculum Consultant
NZ MoE accredited PLD Provider and Facilitator
Experience in NZ schools and international IB schools

Kia ora koutou katoa.
Ko Kate Brown tōku ingoa, founder of EduKateNZ. I have been an educator for over 40 years and have worked in multiple New Zealand and international schools.
During this time I have seen passionate teachers working hard to provide the best education for their learners, but I have all too often seen disengaged learners.
This is not a case of not enough passion or effort by the teachers, or effort from the learner, it is often a case of curriculum design and delivery that doesn't relate to the learner.
EduKateNZ works with school owners, principals, teachers, schools and kura to strengthen or re-design the curriculum. Through working collaboratively with educators we can create opportunities where students learn through their passions, and use their creative and innovative thinking to create the solutions to solve real problems in their world to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.